Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a vital element of our people-focused culture. It underpins how we treat each other, not only colleagues, but every other individual and organization with whom we come into contact.

Our Key CSR Principles:


By understanding our customers' needs and delivering value-for-money, targeted products, PPM aims to build deeper, longer relationships that benefit both parties; and where customers are dissatisfied, we resolve issues efficiently.

A key issue is financial exclusion and we're proud of the work we do internally and with external partners to ease the problems of financial literacy and capability.


It's equally important to provide a positive working experience for our people and we support a healthy work/life balance for everyone. By creating a workforce that reflects the diversity in society, and by recognizing and respecting individual differences, we will benefit from the full range of knowledge and skills on offer.

PPM aspires to create a high-performance culture where employees are supported to achieve their best and are rewarded consistently and fairly.

PPM values communication, openness, and approachability. Strong relationships with our trade union colleagues are critical and Advance, the independent trade union, is consulted on major initiatives and has bargaining and representation rights.


Our partners tend to share our commitment to conducting business responsibly. We use competitive tendering and deal with suppliers in a fair and open manner. Suppliers are asked to adhere to the UN Global Compact principles on human rights, lab our standards, environment, and anti-corruption.


We are committed to creating a successful business that isn't achieved at the expense of the environment. Our biggest environmental impact is created across our property portfolio and the use of electricity, gas and paper, and waste generation. We therefore invest in the latest technology to reduce our carbon emissions through energy efficient equipment and are addressing our waste and recycling activities.


In assessing investment and lending proposals, PPM considers several factors including the potential impact on human rights, public health, and the environment. Proposals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis considering the ethical implications of supporting a particular organization, government, or project.


We are committed to safeguarding the health and well-being of our employees, contractors, and visitors by creating and maintaining a safe working environment.


  • All injuries and occupational illnesses are preventable.
  • Health and safety are a top priority and an integral part of our business and decision-making.
  • Management is ultimately responsible for workplace health and safety.
  • Safe operating practices are a shared responsibility among management, employees, contractors, and visitors.
  • Employees and contractors are accountable for their safety and that of fellow workers.
  • Working safely is a condition of employment.
  • Sharing best practices improves performance.


  • Design safe facilities.
  • Continually review and improve processes and procedures.
  • Identify hazards and assess risks.
  • Develop, implement, and enforce safe work practices.
  • Ensure all facilities comply with applicable laws and regulations.
  • Provide employees with information and training to work safely.
  • Require employees and contractors to execute their work in accordance with legislative requirements and PPM policy.
  • Establish and monitor health and safety objectives.
  • Implement health and safety management systems to continually improve performance.
  • Conduct health and safety audits.
  • Report health and safety performance to senior management, the Board of Directors, shareholders, employees, and the public.


We are concerned with the conservation of the environment in its broadest sense and recognize that certain resources are finite and must be used responsibly. We remain committed to minimizing the impact that our operations have on the environment. In addition, effective environmental management presents us with business opportunities supporting our value driver of cost optimization and achievement of execution excellence.

Good environmental management systems, designed to manage local impacts and environmental sensitivities, are an essential component of our responsible approach. Our aim is to achieve good business practice in environmental management across all the Group's operations.
